Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Progress update...

(Jed cracking up at our late good friend, Lonnie)

Okay, as of now I am in the process of collecting pictures to scan and upload to the computer.
It has been great looking back at his first year of life. I'm gaining a whole new perspective of him and my family. It's interesting to be delving into this as I'm watching the Duggars' going through the same sort of thing every week on TLC. Maybe that's what triggered it?
So stay tuned!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Coming soon...

I'm starting this blog not so much for on-going posts, but to tell my brothers story.

It will take some time for me to get all the writing finished, so please continue to peek at it.

I plan on telling his full story: His birth, his life in Florida, his life in North Carolina, his lawn business, and his death. I plan to post the article that appeared in the Asheville Citizen-Times, written by Susan Reinhardt.

So please check back and bear with me!
